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How Much Does a Finished Basement Cost in Canada?

Written by Quacy Barry | Feb 14, 2024 4:34:22 PM



Basement Finishing Cost Breakdown: A Comprehensive Guide

How much is this basement redo going to cost me? Well, you're not alone. On average, folks shell out about $50,138 for a basement transformation. This guide's packed with the nitty-gritty on costs - no surprises! From framing walls to setting up that cozy home office or dream man cave, we've got your back (and your budget).

Ready to dig into those digits? Let's dive in!

Understanding Basement Remodel vs. Basement Renovation


Now that we've set the stage on what to expect for basement finishing expenses, let's dive into the difference between a remodel and a renovation. A "remodel" often means changing how your basement looks and works.

It might be taking down walls to create one big room or adding rooms for specific uses, like a home office or gym. Think of it as giving your basement a whole new face—and maybe even some cool features you didn't have before.

Renovation is more about updating and fixing things. If your basement is looking old or has problems like leaky pipes or worn-out flooring, renovating gets those fixed up while keeping most of the layout the same.

You're polishing what's already there rather than starting from scratch with new designs or major changes in structure.

Factors Affecting Basement Remodel Cost


When diving into the world of basement makeovers, your wallet might feel like it's on a rollercoaster—up for the dreams and down for the costs! Let's face it, peeling back the layers of expenses isn't just about square footage; it's an intricate dance where everything from what you want to do (hello home theatre!), who you hire (your cousin or pros?), and even those pesky city permits (gotta stay legal folks!) all link arms and determine whether your bank account is going to sing or sob.

Basement Size and Condition

Big or small, clean or messy, the size and shape of your basement play a huge role in how much you'll spend to fix it up. Think of it like this: more space means more materials and more time needed, which usually means more money out of your pocket.

If your basement is already in good shape, with no leaks or cracks, you're off to a great start! You might not need as much work done. But if there are problems down there—like moldy walls or old wiring—it's going to cost extra to make things right.

Now let's talk about what kind of changes you want to make. That could mean putting up walls for new rooms or maybe adding some fancy lights and comfy floors for a cozy hangout spot.

The stuff you pick also affects the price; high-end materials will bump up those numbers faster than simpler options would. Next up? Figuring out who's going to do all this work—the tough choice between DIY or hiring pros..

Type of Project

What you want to do in your basement changes how much cash you'll need. Are we talking a few new lights and a fresh coat of paint? That's on the lighter end. But, if you're dreaming big—a complete turnkey renovation with high-end finishes—we're looking at more dough.

For projects like adding a wet bar or building that ultimate home gym, brace yourself for steeper prices.

Okay, let's say you've got plans for something fancy, like building egress windows to let in more natural light or even throwing in a sauna (sweat it out!). These custom jobs aren't just about beauty; they bring up your house value too.

And those full remodels where every inch gets touched—from drywall installation to laying down subflooring—they can transform your cellar into prime real estate down under! It all comes down to this: the kind of project steers the ship when budgeting for your basement makeover.

Labor and Permits

Now, let's talk about the nuts and bolts of your basement project — labor and permits. This is where things get real because you'll be dealing with professionals and rules.


  • You gotta pay for skilled workers. Electricians don't come cheap, right? Labor costs can hit between $65 to $110 an hour for a licensed electrician.
  • Before a hammer hits a nail, you need the green light from the city. This means getting a building permit which can cost ya about $2500 to $3500.
  • It's important to have pros do the tricky stuff. For electrical and plumbing work, hiring licensed professionals is non-negotiable.
  • Local building codes are like the rulebook for your basement makeover. To play by these rules, getting building permits is key — it adds to your budget but keeps things above board.
  • Timing can affect your wallet differently. Kick off renovations during peak construction times and watch those labor fees climb higher!


Additional Costs and Considerations


4. Additional Costs and Considerations: Buckle up, folks – when you're diving into the basement transformation game, there are curveballs that could throw your budget a wild pitch (like pesky old mold or those sneaky foundation issues) ..

ready to find out how to play ball with the unexpected? Keep on reading!

Foundation Repair

Fixing the foundation is a big deal in any basement project. It's not cheap either; you might spend between $2,164 and $7,793 to make sure your base is solid. If you spot cracks or water damage down there, don't ignore it! That's your home telling you it needs help.

Taking care of this early can save you from huge headaches later.

Imagine putting all that work into your new space only to have it ruined by a crummy foundation. Not fun, right? So check out those walls and floors carefully before moving forward with the fancy stuff.

Trust me, getting this part right is worth every penny for peace of mind and a job well done!

Mold Removal

Got mold? Don't worry; it happens in many basements. It's sneaky, but you've got to tackle it fast. Mold loves damp, dark places and your basement can be the perfect spot for it to grow.

The average cost for getting rid of this unwanted guest is around $2,254. But think about it – that's a small price to pay for peace of mind and clean air.

You might need pros with special gear to kick mold out for good — which adds a bit more to your bill. Sure, no one likes extra costs, but including mold removal in your budget at the start can save you from headaches later on.

Making sure that nasty stuff is gone means you'll breathe easier and enjoy your new space without any funky smells or health worries!

Asbestos Removal

Before you jump into fixing up your basement, let's talk about asbestos. If your home is a bit older, there's a chance it might have asbestos hiding in the insulation or floor tiles.

Now, don't go poking around there by yourself – this stuff can be dangerous. We're talking serious health risks if those tiny fibers get into the air and you breathe them in.

So here’s what you do – call in the pros for asbestos removal. They'll come geared up to handle everything safely and make sure it's all gone. Sure, it’ll cost some bucks - usually between $500 to $2000 - but hey, that’s a small price to pay for keeping your health on track.

And when they’re done? You've got yourself a safe space ready to turn into whatever awesome room you’ve been dreaming of!


Waterproofing your basement is like giving it a shield against water. Think of it as a superhero cape that keeps the bad stuff out—no more leaks or mold! Costs for this mighty protector range from $5 to $25 per square foot, but trust me, it's worth every penny.

A dry basement means no water damage ruining your hard work or causing yucky mold.

Now, you could try waterproofing on your own; I mean, who doesn't love a good DIY challenge? But let's be real—sometimes we need to call in the pros for that top-notch seal. These folks have the tools and know-how to make sure your basement stays as snug as a bug in a rug.

And hey, investing in proper waterproofing now can save you loads of trouble (and cash) down the road by making sure those renovations last longer than your kid's favorite toy.

Cost Breakdown by Type of Project


Diving into the nitty-gritty of your project, we're talking about where those dollars and cents really start to add up. Ever wonder if swapping out old electrical for shiny new wiring is a budget buster? Or maybe you're curious about whether that plush carpet is worth every penny.

Let's peel back the layers of cost like we're negotiating at a bustling flea market—and trust me, it's just as strategic when tackling each facet of your basement transformation!


Putting up drywall is like giving your basement a fresh canvas. It's that smooth surface where all the magic happens—painting, wallpapering, you name it! For a 1000 square foot space, expect to shell out $1500 to $5000 just for the drywall.

Sure, it might sound steep, but think about the neat finish you'll get.

The type of project really changes how much you'll pay. If you're going all out or just sprucing things up affects the cash needed for those panels and pros doing the work. And here's a fact: quality matters.

Pick better materials and they'll be kinder to your wallet in the long run because they last longer. Plus, don't forget labor costs can swing high or low depending on how tricky your project is.

Choosing smart now means saving money later on in this whole basement makeover game.


After the walls are up, it's time to talk about lighting up your space. Electrical work is not something you should skimp on – it’s a matter of safety and comfort! You’ll need power for lights, appliances, and maybe even some fun extras like a home theater.

The cost can vary widely; we're talking about $2,500 to $10,000 depending on what you want down there.

Getting a pro is key here. A licensed electrician will know how to do everything right and keep things safe. They usually charge between $65 and $110 an hour. Sure, that sounds like a lot but think about this: good electrical work means no flickering lights or scary sparks.

Also remember (oops!), don't forget electrical might be part of your permit stuff too, so plan ahead.


Flooring really changes how your basement looks and feels. You might pick carpet, vinyl, hardwood, or ceramic tiles—all have different prices per square foot. Let's say you've got a 1000 square foot space to cover; the cost can swing from $2000 to a steep $15000! It all depends on what material you go for.

Now think about this: floors aren't just pretty—they need to handle moisture and be easy to clean too. If you're eyeing something like laminate because it's tough against spills and not too hard on the wallet, that could be a smart move.

But hey, if fancy hardwood is calling your name and you're cool with the price tag—go for it! Remember though, moisture can warp wood so make sure it’s the right fit for your basement vibe.


Framing is like the skeleton of your basement; it gives shape to what will become new rooms and spaces. Now, think about this: the cost isn't just about slapping up some wood beams.

It ranges from $1 to $7 per linear foot – yep, that means for a 1000 square foot space, you might shell out anywhere from $1000 to $7000. But here's where it gets juicy: not all framing jobs are created equal.

The twists and turns of your design can bump up the price because complex layouts need more time and skill.

Sure, picking top-notch materials can hike up your budget too. But get this—hiring pros can actually save you headaches down the line with their spot-on installation skills. They know how to handle those pesky load-bearing walls without making your house go “oops”! And let’s be real, who doesn’t want a finished basement that’s both sturdy and stylish?.


Once the framing of your basement is up, it’s time to think about staying warm and cozy. Insulation plays a huge part in this. You might spend $1.50 to $3.50 per square foot on insulation – that's key for keeping your energy costs down.

The right insulation will make sure your heating and cooling systems don't have to work too hard.

Choosing the best type can be tough, but it's super important for energy efficiency and mold prevention. If you've got a bigger space or you want top-notch materials, be ready to pay more, maybe even around $10,000 to $15,000 or so.

Your spot on the map matters too; some places charge more for labor than others. But hey, think of all that money saved on heating bills! Plus, with good insulation, you'll feel just right every season without cranking up the thermostat.


Painting your basement gives it a fresh look and can really make the space feel finished. The cost will depend on whether you grab a brush yourself or hire a pro. If you go the DIY route, you could spend as little as $1320, but hiring someone might set you back up to $3700.

Trust me, choosing the right type of paint like primer or latex matters too; it's not just about slapping any old color on the walls.

You'll need to think about size—painters often charge between $2 and $6 per square foot. So, bigger basements mean more money for painting. But hey, getting that perfect shade on the walls is key for turning your basement from blah to wow! It's all part of creating a space where every detail counts—even if it's just paint.


Plumbing can hit your wallet hard when fixing up a basement. It's one of those big-ticket items, you know? For starters, you've gotta hook up to the main water supply and deal with sewer lines.

Seems simple enough, but it's more than just connecting pipes—it's making sure everything flows where it should without any mishaps. Could be for a shiny new bathroom or maybe that wet bar you've always wanted down there.

Now picture this: You're adding a full-on apartment or sauna in the basement—yep, that'll rack up the plumbing costs even higher. But despite the pinch, solid plumbing work is key.

I mean, who wants leaks messing with their brand-spanking-new space? Plus, having top-notch plumbing keeps things like washers running smoothly and ensures any fancy electrical appliances don't end up swimming! Just make sure to tuck those plumbing expenses into your budget so they don't sneak up on you later.

Benefits of a Basement Remodel

Alright, let's talk turkey. Tackling that basement remodel isn't just about finally getting rid of the creepy-crawly vibes down there (though, bonus points if you do). Nope – it's like hitting a jackpot of perks you might've not even considered.

We're talking a sweet uptick in your property’s swagger AND some serious functionality gains.. Who knew that dingy space could actually work harder than a beaver in dam-building season? Let’s dive into what makes this underground glow-up more than just another home improvement hustle.

Return on Investment

Sure, fixing up your basement costs money. But guess what? It pays off! Homeowners see about 70 percent of that cash come back when they sell their house. Think of it like planting a money tree down there.

Over time, as it grows, so does the value of your place. It's not just about looking good – it’s smart thinking too.

Now let's talk dollars and sense. Spending on your basement is more than just paying for new stuff; you're investing in your home's future and building a little nest egg within those walls.

So while you enjoy that extra space or fancy sauna now, know that someday that investment might just pay for itself – or even turn a profit!

Additional Versatile Space

Finishing your basement opens up a world of possibilities. Suddenly, you've got room for that gym, office, or play area you've always wanted. Imagine hosting movie nights in your own home theater or setting up a cozy guest suite for visitors! With this extra space tailored to fit your life, the only limit is your imagination.

Picture it: A quiet corner for yoga or an energetic game room ready for fun. Your basement can switch from a peaceful retreat to party central with the right design. Renovating adds livable space without building an addition – smart thinking! It's all about making the most of what you already have underfoot.

Energy Efficiency

Fixing up your basement can actually help your whole house use less energy. Think about it – if you add good insulation, that keeps the place warm in winter and cool in summer without making your heater or air conditioner work so hard.

And don't forget about windows! Put in some that are energy-efficient, and boom—your electricity bill goes down because you're not losing heat or cool air through leaky old windows.

Now, let's talk lights. Swap out those old bulbs for smart lighting systems that only turn on when you need them. This small change makes a big difference in how much power you use.

Plus, running an HVAC system? Make sure it's the right size for your space to avoid wasting energy. Trust me; these moves pay off with lower bills and they’re kinder to our planet too!

Mold Prevention

Keeping your basement energy-efficient goes hand in hand with preventing mold. That's where waterproofing comes into play—it's like a shield for your basement, blocking moisture that can lead to nasty mold.

Waterproofing costs about $5 to $10 per square foot but think of it as an investment. It keeps the space dry and safe from those unwanted spores.

To stop mold from ever being a problem, hiring licensed pros is key—especially for electrical and plumbing jobs. They know how to do things right so water won't sneak in later on and invite mold over for a party.

And hey, no one wants that kind of guest settling down in their nicely remodeled basement!

Income Potential

So, you've tackled mold prevention, and now your basement is a clean slate. Think about how this space could make you money! Lots of folks turn their basements into rentable apartments or spots for travelers to stay.

This can be a real game-changer for your wallet.

Imagine getting extra cash each month from renters - pretty sweet, right? If done well, a finished basement with all the right touches—maybe even a bathroom or kitchenette—could attract someone who's looking for a cool place to live.

Picture this: You invest in making the basement awesome, and then it pays you back by bringing in regular rental income. It's like putting money into something that grows over time – before you know it, your investment starts working for you!

Comparing DIY vs. Hiring a Professional

Alright, let's dive—headfirst, mind you—into the thrilling world of transforming that basement space, whether you're wielding a hammer yourself or handing it off to someone who knows their joists from their studs. It's an epic battle: DIY versus hiring a professional. And just like in those superhero movies, each side has its special powers and pitfalls.


DIY Hiring a Professional
Cost savings can be significant; you're basically just paying for materials. It's an investment, baby—but pros bring skills and efficiency to the table.
Pride in the personal touch—nothing beats saying, "I built this." Quality and accountability come standard (should come standard) when you hire someone reputable.
Flexibility to work on your own timeline... evening, weekends, you name it. Timelines can be tight; professionals often work briskly to complete projects.
Learning curve's steep, but hey, new skills are a bonus, right? You're paying for expertise, which means fewer "oops" moments to fix later.
Mistakes? Sure, they'll happen. But that's part of the DIY charm (and headache). Mistakes are generally fewer, and when they do happen, it's on their dime to fix.
Permits and codes can get tricky; better have your research hat on tight. They've got the permit dance down pat, and they’ll keep things up to code without you sweating it.
Project duration may stretch longer than your favorite TV series seasons combined. Swift and efficient, these pros aim to get in, get out, and get it done.


Keep in mind, though, the choice isn't always black and white. Sometimes it's a blend—maybe you handle the paintbrush while leaving the heavy electrical lifting to the pros. Just remember, whether you DIY or call in the cavalry, the goal's the same: a basement so snazzy you'll wonder why it took you so long to tackle it!

Strategies to Save Money on Basement Remodel Cost

Everyone loves to save money. Basement remodels don't have to break the bank if you know how.


  • Get multiple bids: Ask different contractors for pricing. Compare them, but watch out for super low offers – they might cut corners.
  • Do some work yourself: You can paint or install simple fixtures. This cuts down on labor costs.
  • Reuse materials: Look around for leftover materials like wood and tiles. Sometimes gently used items will do the trick, too.
  • Plan carefully: Avoid changes once work starts. Changing your mind can cost extra money.
  • Buy supplies in off-season: Prices may drop when demand is low. Check with suppliers for the best deals.
  • Search for deals: Hunt online or in stores for sales on drywall, paint, and lighting.
  • Barter services: Maybe you're good at something a contractor needs. Offer your skills in exchange for their work.
  • Break it down into phases: If cash is tight, do the project step by step. This way you pay over time instead of all at once.
  • Stay simple with design: An open concept costs less than lots of rooms and walls. Plus, it looks great!
  • Hire a consultant first: An expert's advice may cost upfront but can save big by avoiding mistakes later on.


Financing Options for Basement Remodel

Paying for a basement remodel can be a big deal. Good news, though! You've got options to make it happen. Home equity loans are like grabbing cash from the part of your house you already own.

It's cool because usually you get lower interest rates and that means more money stays in your pocket.

Not into using your home as collateral? No sweat – personal loans or credit cards could do the trick, but watch out for those higher interest rates they might throw at you. Hey, and if you're good with paperwork, banks offer mortgage refinance deals that let you shuffle around your home loan to squeeze out some extra cash for that dream basement.

Make sure to check which choice fits your budget best before diving in!

Ready to figure out how much all this is gonna cost? Let's tackle "Frequently Asked Questions" next and clear up any money mysteries about finishing up down under (your house).

Frequently Asked Questions

Ah, the FAQs section! We're diving into that treasure trove of queries buzzing around in your head. This is where we tackle those burning questions—like "Do I really need a permit to turn my basement into an entertainment hub?" or "Will a sauna downstairs skyrocket my property value?" Stay tuned; you might just find the answer that gets your remodel rolling.

Cost to renovate different sizes of basements

Renovating a small basement can cost less than making over a big one, sure, but there's more to it. A 1,000-square-foot space might have you spending anywhere from $30,000 to $75,000.

That's some serious cash! Now if you've got more room, like say 1,200 square feet? Brace yourself—costs could hit between $36,000 and up to $90,000.

Big or small—the size of your basement plays a huge part in how much you'll shell out on a redo. It's all about what you want down there too—a simple spruce-up or something fancier like movie rooms or saunas? Of course that kind of stuff means higher end materials and maybe even bringing in an interior designer for that perfect touch.

Keep your budget real and think about what fits both your dreams and your wallet!

Need for a permit to remodel the basement

Before you start knocking down walls in your basement, hold on! You might need a permit for that. Many cities and towns ask you to get one, especially if you're doing big changes like messing with plumbing or electrical work.

Think of it as a green light from the city that says your plans are safe.

Now, getting this permit isn't just red tape—it's about keeping everyone safe. Trust me, the last thing you want is trouble with the law or problems when you sell your house later on.

So check with local authorities—talk to them about what work needs a permit and how to apply for one. It could save you from headaches in the long run!

The most expensive part of finishing a basement

Getting your basement done right can really hit the wallet, especially when it comes to plumbing and making sure the foundation is solid. No joke, it's like the basement demands a fancy dinner before it lets you change anything! Pipes and plumbers become major players in your budget game – they're not cheap, but they're super important for a dry, functional space down there.

Foundation fixes? They're critical too because nobody wants their house playing sinking ship.

Now as we dig into more details (pun intended), imagine adding that extra bathroom or sauna you've been dreaming about. Sure sounds nice, huh? But wait until you see what that involves!

Adding a bathroom in the basement

So, you're thinking of adding a bathroom in the basement. It's not surprising; bathrooms are a top pick for renovations down there. But brace yourself—it could cost a pretty penny, like somewhere between $15,000 and $20,000 or even more! The real kicker is the plumbing work that's needed.

You may have to lay new pipes and that ain't cheap.

The kind of sink you choose and the tiles you fall in love with can make your wallet lighter too. Now don't freak out about all this money talk—think about how nice it will be to have an extra bathroom when guests stay over or after turning your basement into a cool hangout spot! Just keep those costs in mind as we chat about making your space brighter next.

Potential added home value from basement renovation

Fixing up your basement can really pay off. You might spend some cash to make it look great, but guess what? It could boost your home's value a lot. In fact, if you do a good job, you could get back around 70% of what you spent when it's time to sell the house.

That means if your renovations cost $10,000, the value of your home could go up by $7,000! Now that's a smart move.

Think about turning that dusty old basement into a cool new space – maybe a game room or an extra bedroom. Not only does it make your house worth more money, but it also gives you more room to live and have fun in until you decide to sell.

And hey – if you ever need some extra cash down the road, this spruced-up basement might even let you bring in some rental income!


Q: What factors affect the cost of a basement renovation project?

A: The cost of a basement renovation can be influenced by factors such as the size of the space, the level of finishing, the materials used, and the additional features you wish to include, such as a home office, gym, or guest bedroom.

Q: How much does a finished basement cost in Canada?

A: The cost of finishing a basement in Canada can vary greatly depending on the scope of the project, but you can expect to pay anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000 on average for a complete basement renovation.

Q: What are some popular ideas for basement renovations?

A: Popular basement renovation ideas include creating a home gym, installing a stone fireplace, adding a guest bedroom or bathroom, or even transforming the space into a functional home office or rental apartment.

Q: Are there any specific considerations for basement renovations in Toronto?

A: Basement renovation costs in Toronto may differ from other parts of Canada, so it's important to consult with a local renovation company or contractor in Toronto to get an accurate estimate for your project in 2024.

Q: How can I estimate the cost of basement renovations?

A: To estimate the cost of your basement renovations, you'll need to consider the size of the space, the desired level of finishing, the materials and features you want to include, and any specific requirements for the project.


Alright, fixing up your basement doesn't have to break the bank. You've got this! By knowing what changes you're making and how big your space is, you can plan better. Remember, things like drywall or plumbing can add up quick.

But hey, when it's done? Your home has more room to live in and might even be worth more.

Now don't forget about those extra jobs like fighting mold or keeping water out. They're important too. If the price tag looks scary, think about doing some work yourself or just changing a little at a time.

And if money's tight, talk to banks about loans that use your house as security – they could help spread the cost. So take that first step; imagine the cool new space downstairs waiting for you!